Monday, 9 February 2015

Player Character Animation

So this was the first pass for my player character animation.  There was a lot of issues with this version - It's very jerky and there's also too much bounce in her step.  Her legs are also weirdly placed as they're too far forward.

And this is the current version in game.  It's ok.  Still feels a little jerky and her scarf moves quite unrealistically however I'm quite pleased with how the overlapping action of her hair turned out and the general pacing feels alright.  Ideally I would have her looking to the side as she walks occasionally however time is marching on so I'll add that to the non-priority list!

I've also added a simple idle animation based on the above pose.  Super simple, just her blinking occasionally - but as I learned from the Global Game Jam, even just a simple animation like that in the idle makes a world of difference.  If I have time I'll work on it more, maybe add her shivering or something.

I'm also currently working on a run animation as it's currently very tedious to navigate the game environment at a walking pace so a running option felt necessary.

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