This is the build for "Ritual" as of 11-03-2015. Excuse the dodgy frame rate, my laptop apparently can't handle screen capture software.
I'm pretty disappointing with it to be quite honest. I feel like my art hasn't improved at all since first semester and if anything has gotten worse,
Forest area
I got some feedback from a friend who saw a previous build who pointed out the trees are too bright for a horror game. I've darkened them here but I feel like they create too much contrast now. Perhaps a sort of dull, greyish purple will work better. I'll have to experiment. It also feels a bit too cluttered so I'll play about with removing some assets and see how it feels. I also still need to tweak one of the tree assets that looks unnaturally straight.
A few people have pointed out the flickering overlay is uncomfortable on the eyes, however these folks have only seen the video with the temperamental frame rate and everyone who has played the game so far has found it appropriate. However one person who played the game did say the flickering isn't random enough so I'll try work out a way to have it randomly flicker.
Obviously quite bare at the moment due to being a work in progress however I feel it would really benefit from some blurred foreground assets in order to give a better sense of enclosure and isolation. I've also thought about adding a letterbox frame to the game for a similar reason. Won't be too hard to mock that up to get an idea. The floors are also maybe a bit too bright and should at least be darker nearer the top of the asset to give a better sense of depth. Perhaps I could add a bit of subtle perspective to the asset itself too. I also find the doors don't exactly scream "school" so more iteration is required. Also not sure if that purple colour is really working, seems too "pretty"... May have to rework my colour palette for this area again.
Basement Corridor
I think the flickering works well here and could maybe do with being totally dark at certain points to take more visual information away from the player as they're being chased by the enemy. Also need to make it more obvious you have to press space at the ends of the corridor to enter and exit. The neon graffiti should have a glowing animation or something just to give the room a bit more life. Might be interesting to experiment with tilting the floor at an angle however I'm not sure how this would work via code with the player walking horizontally. The pipes in the background also seem a bit "stuck on" will have to create a bunch of other subtle assets to integrate them better.
Ritual Room
Really not happy with this one. The entire scale just seems a bit off. I showed the concept art for this to Ryan a couple weeks ago and he pointed out the composition as a whole needs more diagonals to break up all the straight lines. I feel the skirting board I've added to the bottom of the wall is a major part of the problem as it's too big for the scale and thus visually confusing and also breaks up the image too much.
I think the portals look nice though!
Next Steps for art asset creation
- Finish hall assets/tweak current layouts
- Play about with character scale
- Polish overlays
- Feedback animation/tutorial for Ritual area
- Bespoke animations
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