Monday, 3 November 2014

Week 8 Sketch Dump

More tiny studies, 15 to 20 minutes each.  Starting to feel a bit more confident at blocking in shapes with my brush at 100 percent flow and opacity (which means I'm finally starting to focus on the big picture in my environments rather than getting lost in the details!) just need to keep practicing.  Didn't get as much environment practice in this week as I'd have liked.

Really pleased with how the second bottom right and top right one turned out.  The exaggerated curves were the product of rushing to get the figure finished in the 2 minutes I allowed myself but I really like the relationship between the curved and straight line work in those figure drawings in particular.

Completely messed up the right drawing with the massively long right arm so gave up half way through.

Tried to experiment more with style on the left drawing here.  Was going for sort of comic style line work but the proportions just look really messy and the lines are almost too clean.  Definitely prefer working in a more sketchy style, though finding the right balance between the two is proving tricky.

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